Thursday, March 15, 2012

Introducing Magwe Airfield 1941!

We are pleased to announce the creation of Magwe Airfield 1941 on the WW2 Battlefield sim! Magwe is ran by Brig. Gen Devyn Smythe, who also provided an overview of the sim:

WW2 Battlefield sim is a joint effort by SL's Flying Tigers and  Department of War to recreate and reenact historical military events of the World War II era. This year's events will focus on the Chinese and Pacific theaters. The theme on the sim will change monthly and coincide with historical calender dates. This is the creators' contribution to our continuing effort to recognize our veterans.

 This month's theme is Magwe Airfield which was located in Burma in 1941. This was a Royal Air Force base that was used in the Flying Tiger's retreat into China. Below is a short historical quote from Wikipedia:

"After Rangoon was lost to the Japanese at the end of February, the AVG relocated to Magwe, a small British airfield more than 300 miles north of Rangoon. Chennault started moving elements of the now reconstituted 3rd Squadron to Magwe as reinforcement to his worn down 1st and 2nd squadrons. Aircraft attrition became so high that at this point, individual squadron distinctions became meaningless, and all three squadrons had elements based there, along with a number of RAF aircraft. In total, the Allies had 38 aircraft, including eight P-40s and 15 Hawker Hurricanes. Opposing them were 271 Japanese aircraft, including 115 fighters. Although the AVG and the RAF scored some successes against the JAAF, Magwe was continuously bombed, including a very heavy raid on 21 March by 151 bombers and fighters. On 23 March with only four aircraft left, the AVG was forced to relocate to Loiwing, just across the Chinese border."

Magwe will also have reenactments and combat events, please message Devyn Smythe in world if you are interested in roleplaying in the sim.  

The event schedule is as follows:

March 18th Reenactments--a short dedication to all those that served in the AVG and veterans of all wars.
March 21st Reeneactments--Bombing campaign by Japanese aircraft on the date Magwe was heavily bombed.

March 23rd--closing words and preparation of the retreat of the AVG into China.

Times: TBA

Below are photos of Magwe:

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