Thursday, March 1, 2012

Call of Interest From Cpt Nil1965 Resident

T0: all active and all those who want to be back in active service aviators of the esteemed Flying Tigers.

SUBJECT: call of interest - assessment

CONCERNS: Reactivation of
1. the European GT Team &
2. the 74th Sqn

Dear fellow aviators,

It is well known that FTs consist of a very wide spectrum of members, worldwide, with such different timezones. These timezones can often be an obstacle to common actions, tasks, drills and events.

As such there is the thought to establish FT sqns in a European base, considering the respective timezones. I would say roughly all those living in timezones between GMT-1 to GMT+3 and all those in neighbouring timezones who  can follow the schedules within.

To such a direction there has been submitted a relevant proposal which initially got the positive attention of CENTCOM and COs (not formally yet, though looking forward to it).

After having contacted BG VICKSTER FREIIN VON KUHN, who is in charge of the Golden Tigers, and having taken her permission, herewith I undertook the assessement of the perspective pilots who would like to rejoin and re-form the European GT Team.

Please feel free and ...eager to express your interest to be into the European GT Team.

As soon as there will be enough attendees ready to commit to the challenging performance of this Team, focused in formation flying, aerobatics and accurate maneuvres, then we will take the next step.

Please inform me asap and not later than next Friday, 9th of March, as per your interest to the European GT Team.

To the same direction we might also put back in active service the 74th Sqn, an esteemed one covering all the way from WWII up to day.

Please give me your follow up and interest to that perspective as well, so to assess the options.


Thank you for your attention, remaining for your answer, looking forward for more glorious days,


Cpt Nil1965 Resident

1 comment:

  1. In less than 24hrs from the first announcement hit the air, and pilots already knocked the door and fill in the applications to all three or choice of the said squadrons, due to their preference.
    The people who replied so far gives a positive message for the days to come, to grow and develop.
    Keeping track of the deadline set, Friday the 9th will be the last date before the first, initiation muster of the said sqn.
    We will keep you informed and updated respectively.

    Cpt. nil1965 Resident
    74th CO
    GT Team Leader (European Time Based Team)
