
Welcome FT Academy cadets!  One of the perks of being an active duty Flying Tiger is having access to the barracks. For those interested in using a barracks rooms, please fill out and return the note card labeled "REQUISITION NOTE CARD FOR BARRACKS ASSIGNMENT" included in this folder It should be returned to Jessii2009 Warrhol.  If available, we will assign you to your new quarters.


1.  CONDUCT - Please observe SIM rules at all times.
2.  ALLOWANCES - Residents are allowed prims according to their rank:  
        Cadets: 10 prims/ 0 scripts  
        2nd LT: 20 prims/ 2 scripts  
        1st LT: 30 prims/ 3 script  
        Captain: 35 prims/ 3 scripts  
        Major: 40 prims/ 4 scripts  
        Lt. Colonel: 50 prims/ 5 scripts  
        Colonel: 60 prims/ 6 scripts  
        Please help keep sim lag down by having no scripts if at all possible.
3.  PRIVACY - The resident has the right to enjoy the privacy of their own room.  No one is permitted in anyone     else’s room without permission.  The CQ or ADMINS/MP’s also have a right to enter the resident's room at any time to conduct inspections.
5.  GUESTS - Guests are permitted; however, you are responsible for your guests’ conduct.
6.  CLEANLINESS - Residents are responsible for keeping their rooms tidy.
7.  ADULT MATERIAL – Posters are allowed within the confines of your room only and only if your roommate  does not object.  Must not be overly offensive. No hardcore.
8.  SEX - Not permitted
9.  NUDITY – Not permitted
10. COMMON AREAS - The public hallways, stairways, and fire escapes of the building may not be obstructed  or used for any other purpose than entry and exit from apartments. DO NOT leave bicycles, toys, garbage bags or any other sort of debris in the common areas at any time!
 11. MEDIA – For SIM performance reasons, personal music / media is not allowed in public.
 12. ALTERATIONS - Tenants who wish to make any alteration in their apartments must get the approval from     the base commanding officer first.
13. VIOLATIONS - All violations must be reported to the BOQ Charge of Quarters (CQ).  Any resident found in violation of any of the house rules will be given opportunity to remedy the situation. Those found to be uncooperative will be evicted from the barracks.

The barracks are subject to inspection at any time. These quarters are provided free of charge to FLYING TIGERS ACTIVE DUTY PERSONNEL ONLY. They are for individuals who have no other home available in SL, or officers assigned to active duty on base. The barracks are are for the purposes of providing you a place to relax, organize your inventory,IM, or do anything that you need to do while off duty.  Please observe the House Rules and enjoy your home on base!

If you are new to the group and are in need of quarters, please contact Jessii2009 Warrhol


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