
With now close to 2000 members, the Flying Tigers are the largest aviation group in Second Life.
Inspired by the efforts of the original 1st AVG Fei Hu 飛虎 (Flying Tigers). We fly to honor of all veterans and are dedicated to pursuing camaraderie, goodwill, cooperation and harmony within the second life aviation community. The group is open to anyone to join;  those who wish to RP as active duty combat fighter pilot may complete an enlistment form.  Click the link below to fill out the enlistment form:

 We view SL ww2 RP aviation as constant memorial and tribute to the era because it symbolizes humanity’s triumph over evil.  Whether we're flying combat missions or flying non-combat grid flights, we aim to have FUN!

There are three levels of membership; General membership as "Flying Tigers Aviator" is open to the public and has no requirement other than to observe Linden TOS and refrain from inappropriate conduct while wearing the group tag; The second level of membership is in the Cadet program which is by enlistment application before being accepted as a "Flying Tigers Cadet"; the third level of membership is being commissioned as a Flying Tigers officer upon graduation from the Academy. Once a pilot is commissioned as an officer, the pilot will then be assigned to one of 11 units; these are currently:

WW2 Era - 1st AVG :
1st Pursuit Squadron "Adam and Eves"
2nd Pursuit Squadron "Panda Bears"
3rd Pursuit Squadron "Hells Angels"
11th Bombardment Group "Grey Geese"
74th Fighter Squadron "Flying Tigers"
1st Flying Tigers Special Forces SPARTANS  "Victory or Death!"  (inactive)
Civil Air Transport "CAT" Non-Combat Commercial Airlines

Modern Era 23rd Fighter Group "Flying Tigers":

38th Combat Rescue Sqn
74th Fighter Sqn
75th Fighter Sqn
76th Fighter Sqn (inactive)
Goldent Tigers Exhibition Team

Each of these units fall into the new Flying Tiger's Commands which are:


FLYING TIGERS WW2 COMMAND - Major Nil1965 Resident, OIC





Participation in the M*A*S*H-like RP is voluntary. Although we engage in air combat dogfighting, we also fly many NON-COMBAT cross-grid pleasure flights. Contrary to some misconceptions, we are more of a Flying Club than strictly a hard core military combat role play group.  Many of our pilots have been cross grid flying for years.

The group was founded in 2008 by Guarocuya Giano who was inspired by friends and air combat buddies, Matrix "Trix" Amiot (a fellow veteran - GW1) and Bradyn "Halcyon" Halcali, a genuine aviation enthusiast. As a veteran who served 3 yrs active duty in the US Army (Air Cav),  then US Air Guard and later as a government contractor for the Navy and Marines, Giano realized that the bonds of loyalty which are present in RL across all services also develop in SL.  The “Band of Brothers” phenomenon seems to exist in all places where duty, honor, dedication and collective agenda are present in the face of adversity or in the quest for a common goal. We feel it, we live it and we embrace it.  This is the essence of our group.  It is why many of us work hard to make this group soar.

Some have seen in combat in faraway lands, some are in turmoil right here at home; SL and the FT exists for the purpose of community where your participation is unaffected by age*, mental or physical limitations; you don’t need legs or youth or wealth or power to have a good time and feel good about yourself.  Everyone who is thirsty for fun, camaraderie and purpose is welcome to drink with us. Our members come from diverse backgrounds and have many talents in both RL & SL.  We have students, veterans, doctors, lawyers, pilots, mechs, business people, computer experts and many others.  What binds us together is the love, dedication and respect we have for each other and for aviation. The group, which is named after the RL AVG, has members from all over the world, including; China, Japan, Germany, Singapore, Croatia, Russia, Great Britain, France, Spain, Italy, Argentina, Australia, Hawaii and all over the US of A .

The Flying Tigers Mission statement:
We strive to honor and support veterans from all eras; to train in sl aircraft piloting skills; to train and excel in aerial combat gaming; to provide free training to SL Aviation newcomers; to have fun; to promote goodwill, cooperation and harmony within the SL aviation community; to work with other groups to make aviation the number one fun activity in SL

Our group is administered by Flying Tigers Central Command (CENTCOM)

We pledge to observe and respect all of the rules in place within any of the venues fly.  We insist our members conduct themselves in an exemplary manner to honor the Flying Tigers at all times. Our motto is for our active duty members be "PREPARED AND LOYAL".

Our Core Values: 

Many in our squadron are RL veterans.  Some are RL pilots. Those of us who have served know there is something more valuable than money in life.  There is a certain bond that unites us which is unique in that it is deeper and more meaningful than what any money can buy.  It is the bond that all service men and women experience when you're in harms way. It’s the thing that makes you want to go back after being blown up just to cover your buddy's six. This feeling, this loyalty, is something others who are unselfish can relate with and they are attracted to the Flying Tigers because they see and feel it in this special group.  Those Tigers who have never served in active duty also feel it and know what it is because it is alive and tangible in this group.  It's what makes you a Tiger. It’s what makes us special.  Be proud. Be a Tiger!

THE FLYING TIGERS ARE INDEPENDENT.   We receive no compensation for promoting or endorsing any venue, person or product.  This effort is done with the honorable intentions and for the sake of promting good will, cooperation, international camaraderie, community and most of all having fun in SL.

We will reject anyone who thrives on divisive behavior, unacceptable conduct, drama, self loathing, malice, disrespect or rudeness.

There are some that propagate the false notion of some hidden agenda or ulterior motive for this group; to them we say, bah, humbug! Get a third life! lol


This venue consists of two full regions and one homestead. There are 6 component levels which which make up the venue; 1. A WW2 themed aerial combat level; 2. A modern warfare level; 3. A free training facility (Academy); 4. A replica of the WW2 Memorial in DC (available for events); 5. Memorial Mall, a vendor area for aviation themed products; 6. The history of Aviation aircraft display museum. The entire venue is public and "G" rated. Everyone is welcome, sim rules apply.

The Flying Tigers conduct aerial combat using aircraft equipped with no health damage, no push systems such as VICE or TCS.  Our members are some of the most obsessive collectors in SL.  We enjoy collecting new “toys” in both civilian and military applications. We do not limit ourselves to fighters or WW2 era.  However, we do enjoy collecting those aircraft which display realistic flight characteristics in terms of linear trajectory and speed capabilities.  Some of us also enjoy the popular bee-buzzing-zig-zagging-UFO-flight-like vehicles which are advantageous and easier for beginners. Like they say - different strokes for different folks; it’s all a matter of personal preference.

We enjoy flying wherever we are welcome.  Our Squadron patrols many regions, both continental and private islands.  Our home alliance includes 2 Full Prim + 1 homestead, low lag Regions for optimum performance; Group Headquarters at WW2 TRIBUTE - Kunming Air base.

We also host the WW2 MEMORIAL a  replica listed in  LL Editor's pick Destinations at  WW2 PACIFIC"

Moody AFB is the home of the 23rd WING,  which is the  Flying Tigers' modern era air base.